top 100 post

1. Why did you pick this image? What caught your eye?
It caught my eye because it had Jennifer Lawrence in it.
2. Summarize what you read. How about 2-3 sentences explaining the photo.
It was token at the oscars. Also it was taken with a samsung.
3. Every photo has some additional information, links, readings, or videos associated. Please tell me what you learned in addition to the actual photo. 

It had been retweeted over 3 million times.
4. Look up the photographer. Post this famous image of theirs PLUS one more of theirs that catches your eye. (This means I should see at least 2 photos per post).

5. Find a biography of the photographer and provide the following information:
Bradly Cooper
January 5, 1975 (age 42), Philadelphia, PA
Georgetown University


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